5 Hair Care Resolutions To Make In 2019

A new year can mean a lot of things to us and the people around us. We have successfully sailed through the first few months, but it’s the year is still new to say, “Out with the old and in with the new.” It’s the time where we look back at all our achievements and mistakes of the past year and then make New Year resolutions for ourselves in order to be better humans.

But for those who are as beauty-obsessed as us, the New Year fever only becomes more intense. We take it as an opportunity to revamp our beauty habits. And hair care definitely makes it to that agenda.

We’re sure you must have had a few hair regrets of your own in the past year — cut your hair too many times, used the wrong hair products, too much of sun damage, and many more, right? This year let us forgo all those resolutions that we ourselves ditch within a few months. Let’s just make practical ones that are not too lofty, and that will leave you with great-looking mane all year long. We’ve put together five such hair care resolutions for 2019 that will help salvage your hair’s luster and bring it back to life.

Resolution #1 Hair Nutrition Is The Key

Hair Nutrition Is The Key


You know it’s true when they say that great hair comes from within. Using hair products isn’t enough, they are just useful for the maintenance work. The actual strength of our hair lies in how we nourish its growth from within. We hope you are aware of the fact that the basic structure of our hair is made up of a hardened protein called keratin (1). If this protein stock is low in your body, then your hair’s building block gets affected, resulting in sporadic and slow hair growth.

The mineral iron nourishes the hair follicles (2). Similarly, there are quite a few nutrient components like biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, water, zinc, etc. that help in healthy growth. Therefore, always make sure to have this nutrient-rich diet to keep providing your hair the nutrition it needs to grow.

Resolution #2 Get Timely Trims Done

Get Timely Trims Done


Don’t we trim down the plants at our homes every now and then just so that they continue to grow healthier? It’s the same case with our hair too. Sure, many of us go for frequent haircuts believing it would help our hair grow better.

However, trimming is what helps and not a haircut! Getting regular trims, once in 6–8 weeks naturally reduces hair damage. Trims prevent breakages and split ends too. And a trim can make your hair look and feel healthier. It also aids in its growth.

Resolution #3 Stick To One Shampoo And Conditioner

Stick To One Shampoo And Conditioner


With respect to makeup, you can mix and match various shades of foundation and eye shadows, but you cannot do that with your hair products. Picking shampoo from one brand, conditioner from another, and hair mask from another — how on earth can you reap its benefits when they are so differently made? It just doesn’t work that way!

Products that belong to a particular brand are formulated in a manner that they need to be used together. And only when you will use them together that you’ll notice their best results on your hair. So, stop playing the mix master and stick to one brand of hair products which suits your hair type the best.

Resolution #4 Turn The Heat Down In The Shower

Turn The Heat Down In The Shower


What’s the best way to unwind after a really hectic day? A nice hot shower of course! But let us tell you that as much steaming showers are sources of relaxation for your body and mind, they aren’t really great for your hair. If the water is too hot, it can literally strip off the moisture from your hair.

The result? It will leave your hair extremely dry and this can lead to hair breakage, split ends, hair loss, etc. (all the hair nightmares you didn’t want to welcome at your door). So make it a lukewarm shower, at least, for your hair’s sake or just wear a shower cap.

Resolution #5 Make Deep Conditioning Hair A Ritual

Make Deep Conditioning Hair A Ritual


Conditioning hair is as important as shampooing these days. Owing to the harsh atmosphere that your hair is exposed to when we head out, it’s extremely important to condition your hair and make it ready to face the harshness out there. And hello, it’s 2019 peeps, conditioning doesn’t take a lot of time at all! We have really good hair conditioners out there which provide the best deep conditioning to our hair. So grab some and after shampooing, apply it to the lengths and the ends of your hair, leave it on for a minute and rinse. See, it’s so simple!

Its very important for you all to stick to these hair vows this year if you desire healthy, lustrous hair


It’s very important for you all to stick to these hair vows this year if you desire healthy, lustrous hair. This year, let’s get our hair game strong! Have you already taken a hair resolution this year? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post 5 Hair Care Resolutions To Make In 2019 appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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