Fashion Bombshell of the Day: Ann from D.C.

Happy Wednesday Bombshells & Bombers! Today’s Bombshell of the day is Ann Wynn @ann.wynn from D.C.

Ann writes, “ I’m a blogger based in DC . I’d like to describe my style as the quintessential 90s girl chic!

” I love mixing vintage + mod and I’m totally a maximalist and color lover who loves being extra,” she stated.

Ann’s style is vibrant and chic! If we were currently living in the 90’s, Ann would be a icon living. To check out more of Ann’s fashion, visit her instagram @Ann.Wynn. Comment below and tell me which outfit is your fav?

Fashion Bombshell of the Day is a feature showcasing the singular style of Fashion Bomb Readers. Send your name, location, a description of your style, and 5-10 clear, unfiltered, head-to-toe pictures of 5-10 different outfits (no collages) to Images submitted will be featured on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any of our social media platforms. Comments can be harsh, so bring your A game! Please be advised: once published, pictures will not be removed or taken down.

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