How to Get Rid of Acne Scars 8 Ways: The Complete Guide
Acne loves to leave its mark. And those marks are universally unpleasant, whether it’s the big, red blemish on the day you’re meeting your spouse’s boss or the bumpy scars leftover from last year’s big breakout. But if you had to choose between the two, you’d probably take the blemish over the scaring — just because the blemish is temporary. Acne scars, on the other hand, can feel like a tattoo you didn’t ask for. Fortunately, there are solutions — that is, assuming you came here looking for how to get rid of acne scars. Read on for advice on how to prevent new breakouts, home remedies and OTC products to treat acne scars, and, for severe cases, the types of medical treatments that may help. Work on prevention first If you’re still having breakouts that lead to scaring, the first course of action is to get those flare-ups under control. You can start treating your acne scars asap, but you won’t feel like progress is being made if new blemishes are leading to more scars. Acne can be fairly mysterious. It might up from stress, diet, your skincare regimen, or your hormones. Many articles about controlling breakouts focus specifically... more at How to Get Rid of Acne Scars 8 Ways: The Complete Guide. This is an original post from Budget Fashionista.