10 ‘Game of Thrones’ Theories We Can’t Stop Thinking About After the Battle of Winterfell

With the Night King dead and the Battle of Winterfell over, fans are knee-deep in Game of Thrones season 8 episode 4 spoilers (aka theories) to predict what happens next. Thanks to Arya, the Night King is dead and Winterfell has won the Great War. But it’s not over for our Jon, Daenerys, Sansa and the rest of our heroes. There’s still one more battle to win, and that’s The Last War (as Daenerys calls it) against Cersei. Last we saw Cersei, she was sitting on the Iron Throne in King’s Landing, waiting for Daenerys and the Night King’s armies to kill each other off before she goes in to seal the deal and take the Iron Throne for good.

But what will happen next? Will Cersei win? And is the Night King really dead? With three episodes left for Game of Thrones‘ final season, fans are desperate to know how the eight-season HBO fantasy series will end. From the promos for episode 4, the fourth episode of Game of Thrones‘ eighth season will follow our heroes as they travel to King’s Landing to defeat Cersei and take the Iron Throne back. We don’t know who will succeed (if anyone), but we can’t wait to find out. Check out the GOT episode 4 theories fans are obsessed with ahead.

Arya Snuck Up on the Night King by Wearing a White Walker’s Face

The big question after episode 3 was: How did Arya sneak up on the Night King? Yes, the woman is quick and yes, she’s sneaky, but fans aren’t convinced that just ran past a squad of White Walkers to stab the Night King in the stomach. There’s a theory that Arya hid in the trees before the Night King came for Bran. But even more popular theory is that Arya wore the face of a White Walker and pretended she was in the Night King’s squad before she came close enough to deliver the kill. It makes sense: With the Night King distracted by Bran, Arya has the chance to reveal herself and deliver the final blow to the Night King.(Of course, there are those who argue that a White Walker’s face would shatter if Arya cut it off to wear it. But GOT has often played fast and loose with the Faceless Men powers, so who knows what happened.)

"Game of Thrones"


Arya Will Kill Cersei

In episode 3, Melisandre tells Arya that she will close “brown eyes, green eyes and blue eyes.” The quote is a callback to season 3 when Melisandre told Arya, “I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you’ll shut forever. We will meet again.” But what does it mean? Well, essentially, Melisandre is telling Arya that she will kill someone with brown eyes, blue eyes and green eyes.

As fans know (spoiler alert!), Arya killed the Night King, who has blue eyes, at the end of episode 3. She also killed Walder Frey an Meryn Trant, who both have brown eyes. So who has green eyes? Well, the eye color is a well-known trait of the Lannisters, which make fans think that Arya will kill Cersei. We know what you’re thinking: But what about the Valonqar prophecy, which prophesies that Cersei will die at the hands of her younger brother (ie: Jaime.) This theory has that covered too. Fans predict that Arya will take Jaime’s face (after he dies—we don’t know how, so don’t ask), and use it via her Faceless Man power to get close to Cersei before taking her life. Whether or not that comes true, we don’t know, but the green eyes is a very specific quote that has to be a clue. (Plus, Cersei is on Arya’s kill list.)

"Game of Thrones"


Arya Will Die

We don’t know if this is happening in episode 4, but there’s a chance that Arya will die by the end of the series. (Hopefully after she kills Cersei though.) With Arya’s big Night King kill in episode 3, the character has pretty much completed her arc, from the first time she learned how to wield a sword to defending Winterfell in the Stark name. And as we know (with characters like Theon and Ser Jorah who met their fate in the Battle of Winterfell), once a character’s arc is completed and purpose is fulfilled, it’s only a matter of time until their death. We just hope that Arya has one more epic battle before she leaves our screens forever.

"Game of Thrones"


The Dragons Will Die

The episode 4 promo shows that Daenerys’s dragons, Drogon and Rhaegal, are still alive, despite their intense battle with the army of White Walkers. But it might not be for long. According to Gamespot, this episode hinted that there’s no place for dragons in Winterfell or King’s landing. The Battle of Winterfell saw Dany’s Dragons (along with the zombified Viserion) wrecking havoc on Winterfell. It proved useful for destroying hundreds of White Walkers, but when the war is over and everyone needs to go back to their normal lives, Winterfell or King’s Landing aren’t necessarily the best places to keep two dragons. This is why Gamespot predicts that the dragons will die, with Rhaegal protecting Jon and Drogon protecting Dany. The site also predicts that Daenerys could release the dragons once the war is won, which would be an equally heartbreaking moment.

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"Game of Thrones"


Daenerys Will Call for Daario’s Reinforcements

After the Battle of Winterfell, Daenerys’s army is next to nothing. The Dothraki were wiped out in the first wave of the Battle of Winterfell and there are only a few Unsullied left after the battle was won. This means that Daenerys’s army looks pretty slim compared to Cersei’s (especially after Cersei recruited the Gold Copany.) But wait! What about Daario? Gamespot predicts that Dany will call for Daario’s reinforcements, who are overseeing the rebuilding of the government on Mereen. If Dany was able to call for the Second Sons, that would definitely buff her team up and give Cersei a run for her money.

"Game of Thrones"


Tyrion Will Live and Stay Married to Sansa

There was a somewhat sweet moment in episode 3 where Tyrion tells Sansa, “Maybe we should have stayed married” to which she replies, “You were the best of them”, as in Tyrion was the best of Sansa’s husbands. (Not much of an accomplishment, given that Sansa was married to Ramsay. But we’ll take it!) Despite Tyrion referring to his marriage with Sansa in the past tense, there have been a lot of articles about the couple is likely still married by law (with actress Sophie Turner hinting that Sansa and Tyrion technically stay married until the end of the season.)

But what does this moment mean? Well, Gamespot predicts that Tyrion will be the last living Lannister and that he and Sansa will stay married to unite the North and South, like Tywin wanted, with Tyrion carrying on the Lannister name. It’s an interesting theory, and we don’t entirely hate it. Sansa and Tyrion on the Iron Throne? Hey, why not?

"Game of Thrones"


Cersei’s Army Will Almost Defeat Daenerys an Jon’s

Before the Battle of Winterfell, Cersei stayed in King’s Landing, thinking that the Night King will attack Winterfell and weaken Daenerys’s resources. Her bet paid off, and Winterfell defeated the Night King (another threat to Cersei) and weakened their army in the process. With the Gold Company on Cersei’s side, Daenerys’s army is about half (or less) of what Cersei’s is. Even with two dragons on her side, Daenerys may not have enough firepower to defeat Cersei (without outside help—more on that later.) There’s also a theory that Cersei will use The Scorpion to kill Dany’s dragons, as hinted in the opening credits. What does this mean? Well, we don’t predict that Cersei will defeat Daenerys completely, but she will come close before Daenerys’s reinforcements come and turn the tides.

"Game of Thrones"


Bran Warged to Make a Deal with the Night King

Is the Night King really dead? Not exactly, according to this theory. Episode 3 saw Bran warg as the Three-Eyed Raven, but we didn’t see the result of it other than a few ravens flying toward Winterfell. According to this Reddit theory, Bran made a deal with the Night King while he was in warg mode. What was the deal? That Bran and the Night King would die together. This theory is based on the seasons-old conspiracy that Bran is the Night King and by killing him, both Bran and the Night King die. The Reddit user wrote: “This was truly an amazing episode and the director did a fantasic job on the battle. “But.. they hyped up The Night King for seasons upon seasons, years upon years and this is how he goes out? There’s just no way. This plot is so stupid. I think there’s more going on then what meets the eye. Why else was Bran warged for so long? Could it be going back in time to prevent all this bloodshed? Could he have been making a deal with The Night King? When The Night King walked up to Bran, he looked like he accepted his fate. I just feel like The Night King is Bran, The Night King was going to kill Bran to destroy himself. I mean the way The Night King just looked at Bran, it felt like he had to do it when he didn’t want to. Arya ruined the plans for Bran. “After all this and then they’re already going to battle with Cersei? Something just doesn’t feel right.” Some food for thought, for sure.

"Game of Thrones"


Yara Will Save Daenerys and Jon from Defeat

Move aside, Daario. Yara will save the day. According to this Reddit theory, Yara Greyjoy will come to King’s Landing at the last minute with an army from the Iron Islands to defeat Cersei. This makes sense, as the last time we saw Yara was when she left Theon to go to the Iron Islands for reinforcements. The show was setting up her return, and what better way than the final act of The Last Battle against Cersei. Of course, this doesn’t mean that Daario can’t still show up. Perhaps he comes earlier, and his reinforcements still aren’t enough until Yara comes in with the big guns. However, this Reddit user thinks that Yara will pick up Daario and the Second Songs along the way to double Dany’s army. The Reddit user wrote, “I also think Yara Greyjoy will sail whatever part of the Iron Fleet she has to Meereen and pick up Daario and the Second Sons. They will attack Kings Landing from the sea/that little tunnel Tyrion built himself and the remaining forces in the North will attack from the ground.”

"Game of Thrones"


Bran Is the Lord of Light

According to this theory, Bran isn’t the Night King but the Lord of Light, which is why the Night King wants to kill Bran and why the two have such a past. This theory comes from a Time interview with George R.R. Martin who confirmed that Beric was brought to life with fire and is essentially a fire wight. “He’s not a living human being anymore. His heart isn’t beating, his blood isn’t flowing in his veins, he’s a wight, but a wight animated by fire instead of by ice, now we’re getting back to the whole fire and ice thing.” What does this mean? Well, it suggests that the Lord of Light (who also assisted in Jon’s resurrection, making him technically a fire wight as well) and the Night King have similar powers. Both can reanimate the dead and both can control the elements, as seen by the Night King creating a blizzard in episode 3. The theory also argues that the Lord of Light has a “purpose”, which is why everyone who was brought back to life (Beric, Jon), helped Arya in some way defeat the Night King. Bran also gave Arya the dagger she used to defeat the Night King last season. We don’t know what to think of this theory, but it’s worth a read here.

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