10 Things You Wish People Told You Before You Started College

College, though it feels almost eons ago for me, for a lot of the youth in this country, it’s their immediate future. Fresh from the grill of the board exams, a large portion of youth in the country is looking forward to getting into colleges of their choice.

Looking back at my own college days, I remember feeling exhilarated at the new world of opportunities that had opened up before me. And which teenager wouldn’t rejoice at this chance of unsupervised freedom, right?

There was so much I wanted to do, and experience, and in my bid to achieve all of that, I did end up committing some mistakes, but hindsight is always 20/20. There are a few life lessons that I learned while in college and I wish to share them with our readers now. These were some of the things I wish I knew when I entered college because if I had known this, it’s quite possible that I would have gotten more out of my college experience. Curious to know what I am talking about? Read on!

1. Not Just You, Everyone is Nervous About Making Friends


It might seem like everyone except has figured out college, but relax, everyone is in the same boat. Maybe some people have a knack of finding their crowd, but worry not, for sooner or later, you will find people with whom you will connect and then you won’t feel so out of place.

2. You Will Miss Home


Yes, this one might catch you off-guard. True, there were a million restrictions on you when you were home but it was also your comfort zone which you can’t replace with all the freedom in the world. In fact, you will find it daunting to take all the decisions for yourself.

3. It’s Okay If You Don’t Feel Like Going out


I am not a party buff and the thing that would weigh most on my mind in college would be how would I say no to attending the millions of parties that kept popping up on my schedule. In hindsight, I realize that it wouldn’t have mattered to my friends if I didn’t attend a few parties, they would still be my friends.

4. There Will Be Lots Of Parties… Mostly At A Time Which Would Be Inconvenient For You


If you happen to live on your college campus, like I did, be prepared for the cornucopia of parties that happen on the campus. And yes, they would still be going on in the finals week, so find a way to work around them.

5. It’s Completely Alright If You Aren’t Best Friends With Your Roommate


Contrary to what TV and movies have taught you, it’s not necessary for you to be till-death-do-us-apart kind of friends with your roommate. What’s important is that you respect each other’s space and privacy and co-operate with each other. And if you happen to be best friends, then that’s just an added bonus.

6. You’ll BeTempted To Skip Classes, But You Shouldn’t Do That


Without your mother hollering at you to get up on time, it would entirely be up to you to have a schedule and attend all your classes. And yes, it might not seem like a big deal if you miss an early morning class to catch up on some sleep. But don’t give in to this impulse. Every class counts, which is something you’ll realize at the end of the semester when you’re struggling to find the notes from that one lecture you missed.

7. Sleep. Is. So. Important.


Pulling an all-nighter the night before exams seems like a non-issue in your early twenties, but be aware that fully-functional adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. So, give your body time to rest, and do not push its limits by postponing a good night’s sleep.

8. You Don’t Have To Do Anything Except Maybe Cultivate A Questioning Spirit


Don’t be a sheep, be a leader. Don’t give in to the peer pressure to be cool. Almost everything that seems cool now would look silly a few years from now. It’s your life, make your own choices, and encourage everyone around you to do the same. It’s the first time that you are allowed to make decisions for yourself, utilize this freedom by making intelligent choices.

9. Being Pro-Active In Class Isn’t Akin To Brown-Nosing


Now that you have chosen this life for yourself, don’t just allow it to wash over you. Participate in class, meet with professors during office timings to make the most of what they have to offer you. Volunteer for clubs of your choice. This doesn’t mean that you are being a teacher’s pet, it means you’re being a responsible adult who is taking charge of his/her education.

10. Don’t Take College For Granted, It Will Be Over Before You Know It


You might have cruised by in school, but don’t have the same attitude towards college. It lays the foundation of your adult life, if you don’t actively engage in it you will regret not learning the ropes later on when you have to deal with far more serious responsibilities. Successful adulting starts in college.

College is a watershed moment in an individual’s life. It marks the transitional phase of their life when they cease to be the heavily supervised youngsters and transform into young adults who are responsible for their future. These lessons will ensure that it’s a successful transition.


If you have any other life lessons that you learned in college that you want others to know, share them in the comments section.

The post 10 Things You Wish People Told You Before You Started College appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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