7 Laws Of Attraction Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever

What comes to your mind when we say the words — “Law of Attraction”? If you’re thinking merely about the ways in which you can attract the opposite sex in your life, then you’re wrong. Law of Attraction is more than that.

“Kehte hai agar tum kisi cheez ko dil se chaho… toh poori kainath use tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai”

You must have heard this line in many avatars in Bollywood movies. However, this is not just a pompous dialogue, it has a much deeper meaning to it. It’s related to the Law of Attraction! In other words, “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.”

There are ways through which we can get what we dearly want in this lifetime. Following the Law Of Attraction is one of the ways in which you can do that. The Law of Attraction isn’t about “tricks” that will get you the life you dream of. It’s a lifestyle, a way of living! The Law of Attraction boils down to a simple fact that everything around us is energy and that we attract what we emit.

Below are 7 hacks of the Law of Attraction that will help you reach the reality that you seek or at the very least, help you understand it.

1. Begin Your Day On A Positive Note

Begin Your Day On A Positive Note


When you wake up, it’s a magical time for your mind. Because it’s transporting itself from an unconscious, dream-like state to the concrete, rational reality of your day-to-day life. And the thoughts that enter your mind as soon as you wake up leave a rippling effect on the rest of your day. Therefore, we’d suggest that you wake up on a positive note. Declare the new day as a blessing for yourself. Find reasons to be grateful. Instill positive thoughts, so that your mind starts finding reasons to be positive throughout your day.

Mornings are a fantastic time for one to carry out spiritual practices like yoga, meditation. You can also have a happy morning ritual, whether it’s listening to some soothing music or penning down a few thoughts. BTW, the habit of cuddling with your partner for a few minutes also counts as positive activity (wink-wink).

2. Learn To Balance Your Scale

Learn To Balance Your Scale


We are constantly interacting with the world, right? Therefore, no matter how positive we feel, we are bound to face some negativity as well. So what do we do here? The trick is to never deny the existence of negativity around you. Be aware of it. When you know what’s negative, you can just roll up your sleeves and get down to fixing those negative things. After all, the lotus blooms in a muddy pool!

And when you’re doing this work of tackling negativity, make sure that the positivity inside you is charged at a 100 percent. Balance what you are with what’s affecting you!

3. Gift Yourself The Joy Of The Present

Gift Yourself The Joy Of The Present


Our mind, consciously or unconsciously, has a steady stream of thoughts running through it. In yoga, they call it “chitta vritti” which translates to mind chatter. We need to break away from this stream of thoughts, and live in and enjoy the present.

It’s only in the present moment that one can find authentic peace and joy. To begin practicing living in the moment, make it a habit to take 2–3 minutes break in between your everyday activities. Take a break, stop what you’re doing, and just breathe. This will calm your mind and will help you enjoy the richness that “now” provides you. The more you practice this, the more familiar you’ll get with the taste of “now-ness.” You will begin to notice the various pleasures that universe is heaping on you.

4. Ask Yourself This Magical Question

Yourself This Magical Question


Before you go to sleep every day, ask yourself this one simple question – “What’s the best thing that happened to me today?” This question will encourage your mind to recall the events of the entire day which you might not remember otherwise. It will go in search of the events or thoughts of the day that had a positive note to them and make them pop above the mental noise that’s constantly there in your head. Asking a question like this will make you remember the positive events of the day and that will allow you to sleep peacefully. So, when you wake up the next day, your mind will retain the positivity. This question inculcates within you a habit of focusing on what’s right and good in your life.

5. Learn Your Way To Access Your Subconscious Mind

Learn Your Way To Access Your Subconscious Mind


It’s the secret behind The Secret (the famous book on the Law of Attraction) that gives you access to reality! What we’re trying to say is we need to learn ways by which our mind can access and understand our subconscious mind better. Our subconscious mind constantly thinks, visualizes, and feels things that aren’t a reality yet. It’s only when our conscious mind can connect to the subconscious mind that they become a reality.

To be able to do this, we suggest you practice yoga and meditation.

6. Frame Positive “What If?” Questions

Frame Positive


Who said questioning can shake one’s confidence? It’s the positive questions which greatly help one leverage one’s emotional state. It helps one jot down positive affirmations about the situation as well. Don’t you know that it’s the questions that open up the door to possibilities? Have a look at some examples:

What if all of this works out the way I want it to, or even better?

What if this is only a misunderstanding and everything is okay?

7. Learn To Breathe The Right Way

Learn To Breathe The Right Way


Yes, we know we’ve been doing it our entire life, so how on earth can we not be breathing the right way? But, trust us, breathing is one of the strangest bodily functions because it is controlled by our conscious mind and then handed over to the subconscious mind. Learning skills that help you control your breathing is a major key to becoming more conscious.

The breathing patterns we choose every day and, in every moment, affect our physical health, our emotions, and our thoughts. They affect the energy we’re emitting and the energy we’re attracting. Therefore, we should make it a habit to take some time out and close our eyes and observe how we’re breathing. Deep belly breaths create a powerful impact on one’s life. Try them out!

These were some of the ways to make the best use of the Law of Attraction. You need to practice them consistently and only then will you be able to see a positive change in your life. Did you know about this already? Let us know in the comments below.

The post 7 Laws Of Attraction Hacks That Will Change Your Life Forever appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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