DIY Olive Oil-Based Beauty Product Remedies You Should Try

You must’ve come across a few people who swear by olive oil for all things healthy and good. So, is all this fuss about olive oil baseless? Of course not! This is one oil that deserves all the attention it’s receiving.

But what makes this oil so great for those who are health-conscious? The secret lies in its composition. Every oil contains a certain percentage of oleic acid and linoleic acid; and olive oil’s composition has a higher percentage of oleic acid and a lower percentage of linoleic acid (1). This makes it a great alternative to the other cooking oils, as it is comparatively a lighter oil which is good for the human heart.

Olive Oil-Based Beauty Product Remedies


Though the benefits of olive oil are not just limited to that. It also has a host of other properties which make it a great ingredient for DIY beauty remedies. It has been medically proven to treat dry skin by moisturizing it and is known to provide relief with skin ailments like eczema (2). Also, when compared to other oils like coconut or castor oil, olive oil penetrates deeper into the scalp and prevents hair fall. This is mainly because of the mono-saturated fatty acids (MUFA) present in it (3). Oh, it is also an anti-oxidant storehouse which makes it a favorite among beauty and wellness experts (4).

Now that we’ve described the beauty and wellness benefits of olive oil in such detail, let us also tell you about a few DIY beauty remedies which make use of olive oil that can help you make your beauty game strong. Here they are:

#1 Olive Oil Based Face Mask

Olive Oil Based Face Mask


Several dermatologists agree that applying olive oil on the face can be extremely beneficial. It helps lighten up the dark circles and also leaves your face with a natural, dewy look (5). Make a face mask of yogurt, olive oil, and honey and apply it weekly. Let the solution be thick, apply it on your face and leave it for twenty minutes and rinse. It is wondrous for the skin. It doesn’t just give an instant hydration boost to your skin; it also cleanses it and mildly exfoliates it.

#2 Olive Oil Based Body Scrub

Olive Oil Based Body Scrub


If there is any skincare exercise that can help you get rid of the dead skin cells and leave you with a naturally brighter complexion, it has to be body scrubbing. Don’t we all feel good about using a body scrub? It’s almost like giving your body a nice gentle massage. Now let’s whip ourselves a body scrub with olive oil!

If you are looking for a body scrub that will keep your skin moisturized and feeling supple, then just make a mixture containing equal parts of olive oil and sea salt.

If you are looking for a less-coarse body scrub, then follow this procedure:

Pour extra-virgin olive oil in an airtight glass container and infuse it with sun-dried lemon peels. Let this concoction sit for about two weeks. After which you can sieve the mixture to remove the lemon peels. Apply this mixture on your body and massage it gently. You will notice how your complexion begins to brighten up naturally and even scars tend to become lighter with consistent use over time.

#3 Olive Oil Based Hair Mask

Olive Oil Based Hair Mask


A head massage with olive oil can treat damaged hair. If you want to give your hair a nourishing treatment, mix it in equal proportions with coconut and almond oil, and massage the resulting mixture onto your hair.

However, if you are suffering from extremely damaged and dry hair, then we suggest you go for this hair mask which you can make in the comfort of your home:

Blend half a cup of olive oil, one ripe avocado, and one teaspoon of honey together and make a smooth paste. Apply this on your hair, concentrating at the roots and the tips of your hair. Keep this on for 20–30 minutes and wash. You will find your tresses to be smooth, soft, and extremely lustrous after a couple of applications. Isn’t that an extreme transformation now?

#4 Olive Oil Based Lip Scrub

Olive Oil Based Lip Scrub


Taking care of your lips should also form an essential part of your beauty routine. Although most of us ignore it! Women love their deeply pigmented matte lipsticks, don’t they? The long-lasting formulas of these lipsticks tend to rob our lips of their natural moisture. By the end of the day, our lips end up being chapped and extremely dry, to an extent that they start hurting. This is where exfoliating scrubs come to rescue. The simplest of all the DIY scrubs would be to mix some sugar with olive oil (and before the sugar dissolves in it) start rubbing this mixture onto your lips in soft circular motions. Do this for a minute and then wipe it off with a soft cloth or tissue. To make the lip scrub delicious you can add in a drop of vanilla or chocolate essence (yummy). This scrub will treat your chapped lips and also lighten your dark lips naturally.

The fact that olive oil is easy to find and is affordable makes it a perfect beauty staple for all of us to stock up on at our homes. Also, remember that it is an oil at the end of the day, therefore, don’t use it more than thrice a week on your face as it might start clogging your pores. Do you know of any other DIY ways of using this miraculous oil for beauty treatments? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post DIY Olive Oil-Based Beauty Product Remedies You Should Try appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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