This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

It’s May, the year of Our Lord 2019, which means we’re almost halfway done with this year that has, in all honesty, treated me more rudely than any year on record. I hope all of you have fared better, but if not—don’t superfreak. Per your horoscope, this May will be a period of challenging limits—for all the signs. From personality traits you think are a core part of you—self-isolation, fear of failure, etc.—to things that seem as trivial as music taste and fashion, you might notice that you’re a little unsure. Things that used to seem so easy are making you second-guess yourself. Jesus—you might think, holding an ancient box of corn flakes in your childhood home—is this shit even any good, or am I just eating it because I always have?

When that starts to happen—the second guessing, not just existential crises over cereal preferences—it usually means that big things need to change. Stretch your body and mind until something you’ve always believed breaks in half, or at least gets a hairline fracture. I mean, do we really want to live our whole lives with ideas that are not useful?

So find your sign (and your rising!), and this month, challenge it. I am a girl who sometimes knows things, but just as often I am finding these things to be false and wanting or just shy of the whole truth. Why limit ourselves to just what we know, or what we think we know? There are so many juicy things to see and do on this Earth. Let’s not let our big, glowy weird brains keep us from experiencing what it has to offer. It’s OK to be wrong. Life is actually more interesting and expansive that way.

1astrological signs aries v2 This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aries –

Like most of us, you were taught the difference between right and wrong at an early age. And while barometers of how not to be a shitty person are important, it’s OK to spend some time in the gray area, too. Confront your black-and-white thinking. It’s easy to confuse limiting beliefs and fear of conflict as integrity, but integrity comes with the truth. Whether simple or complicated, the area in between what we perceive as ‘acceptable behavior/thoughts’ is really where we learn.

 This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Taurus –

In the words of Rihanna, ‘workworkworkworkwork’. As a song, it slaps FOR SURE. As a lifestyle—not so much. This May, strive for work-life balance. It’s so easy to tell yourself you’ll take a break when this project finishes, or when you’re coworker stops eating all your yogurt and making passive-aggressive comments about your jeans. This month, take a break. Will someone get hurt or die if you don’t meet your deadline? Everything else is just salesmanship.

3astrological signs gemini This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Gemini –

It’s so interesting to me how people choose to live—always picking the sure thing, or taking wild leaps into the unknown. For you mercurial Gemini babes, learning to take measured risks (ie; ones that won’t leave you with two broken legs or begging your dad for bail money) is a skill that will help you more than almost any other. A measured risk is one that will benefit you if you are successful, but won’t ruin you (or your relationship, finances, etc.) if it doesn’t work out.

cancer This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Cancer –

If you had a little notebook and wrote down every single thing you did every day—you would be shocked. The constant movement, decisions, obligations and even fun can all seem crucial—but really, they aren’t. Cancer, this month is going to be chock-full of energy, and to save yourself from burnout, I want you to focus on impact. What are a FEW things you can do every day to keep yourself healthy and sane? It’s truly impossible for a normal person to be able to run, meditate, go to the gym, read a book, call their mother, be a good friend and perform to the best of their abilities at work every single day. Pick one or two. And then let the rest go.

leo This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Leo –

May and the beginning of summer will be an exhilarating time for you, Leo. You may find yourself planning a trip or traveling. Or even finding a new area in your city or neighborhood. This expansion is not limited to the physical body, however. New experiences will have you feeling like a brand new person. Though, to be fair, we all still love the older model, too. 😉

6astrological signs virgo This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Virgo –

It’s been a rough year, sweet one. And while I’d love to tell you that everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows and no lines at the bank—the truth is, there are some physical and mental challenges ahead. But don’t despair. What’s happening is the universe is giving you chances to deeply learn. We are all set to repeat the same cycles if we don’t break them. Like how we speak to ourselves, or value ourselves in a room of beautiful people. Take what you’ve learned and put it to use.

Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

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Libra –

Your love of symmetry and balance has always drawn me to you, dear Libras. But balance is a tricky thing. It doesn’t stay static. It’s fluid and moving and just when you think you’ve got it figured out, everything changes. Balance is something achieved in the moment, and if you look for it, Libra—you’ll find it and keep finding it.

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Scorpio –

From the outside, you’re always in control, Scorpio. Self-esteem issues? I don’t know her, etc. But at some level, we all fundamentally care about what people think. If we didn’t, we’d all be sociopaths walking around wearing skin suits. This month will bring to light some of your insecurities. Take a deep breath, and change nothing. At least not right this second. Part of getting better is loving ourselves just as wretched as we come.

9astrological signs sagittarius This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Sagittarius –

Spring is a great time for you to let yourself tap into your more nurturing side. Taking care of animals, friends and plants will make you feel a little softer. More and more, I see people shying away from real connection and care. It’s somehow cool to be stressed and unaffected. Make someone you love dinner, and water all your plants. It feeds your own soul, too.

capricorn This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Capricorn –

You’ve always been frugal with your money, choosing to spend on quality over quantity. A lot of the signs could benefit from your financial knowledge and philosophies. But it’s OK to splurge a little sometimes. Make sure that you’re the one in control of your money and spending—not money itself. After all, we can’t take it with us.

11astrological signs aquarius This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Aquarius –

This month, notice what you talk about. Notice where your attention goes. This is where you’re spending your life. Is it on good and happy things? Are you thoughts useful and fulfilling? Chances are, there’s room for growth. But it all starts with noticing. Don’t expect yourself to change overnight or become a new person. Just notice.

 This Just In: Your May 2019 Horoscope

Getty Images. Design: Michaela Early/SheKnows.

Pisces –

What are you attracted to? Not just with people, but in life? Do you press up against it in a crowded bar, or avoid eye contact? I find that sometimes, when it comes to the thing we want, we hunger for it so badly we avoid it at all costs. Like if we suffer for it, we earn it. Promotions, relationships, apartments, accomplishments. Figure out what lights you up, and explore your relationship with how you go after it.

And so it goes. Another month full of things happening too quickly and too slowly and too much and not enough. We never get to fully control our circumstances. It all changes on a dime, constantly. But we can notice and try. We can challenge every no until we realize that it’s not about control. It never was. It’s always about love, and how we divvy it out. The rest is background noise. So make it sweet. Open your window and play your favorite song. Smile and revel in the hard space between.

Love, love, love.

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