7 Things To Do To Look Younger

Ah, the ever-so-elusive task of being able to recover youth once it starts to slip from our hands. With the umpteen promises that we find at every corner of those expensive “miracle treatments” and those one-stop-shop surgeries, it all looks scary — the world of beauty. Although our mama always raised us saying that our confidence should never lay just in our outward appearance, we still do take immense pride in presenting ourselves in the best way to the world, don’t we? We’re always on our way to discover and determine a beauty regimen that gives us the best: one that helps us happily own our age and amplifies all the features that our good Lord sent us into this world with while still making us look like — well, ourselves!

So, whether you’re holding to that last bit of your youth at the cusp of the 30s or you’re looking for an anti-aging strategy that will help you rewind the youth clock at 50, we’ve got a few things that are going to make you glow and look a lot younger. Use these tricks to strike some years off with your appearance and reveal a younger looking you, naturally!

1. The Clean Bean Trick

 The Clean Bean Trick


The best way to look younger is to have a washed, clean face. So, don’t forget to cleanse your face with a facewash that best suits your skin type. And never forget to miss out on some exfoliation too. Exfoliating your face with a good scrub or even a DIY homemade scrub is going to help you get rid of all the dirt and grit that’s settled in those pores of your skin. So, wash and exfoliate!

2. The Moisturize Forever Rule

The Moisturize Forever Rule


You cannot just only keep washing your face all the while. Washing your face too often might leave your skin looking dry and wasted. Therefore, there’s an important step apart from just patting your face dry after every wash, and that’s “moisturize.” After you pat your face dry, follow up with a good face moisturizer that won’t leave your face looking oily and provides the required amount of nourishment to it.

Also, we know how harsh the sun outside can get for our skin. In such cases, make sure you wear a sunscreen with a good SPF. It does not just protect your skin from the harmful rays; it even prevents the pollution from affecting your skin.

3. The Healthy Foodie Route

The Healthy Foodie Route


A great part of how you look also depends on what you eat. So, one of the best ways to look young is to eat healthy food. That doesn’t mean you need to give up on your favorite food and just eat greens and veggies forever. Eat the right food in the right way. Replace your regular fries and mayonnaise with oven-roasted sweet potato fries and hung curd. Sounds yummier and healthy, right? Switch over to grilling and boiling, instead of frying your favorite foods. Eat healthily and look younger like never, both inside and outside.

4. The Right Wardrobe With Right Clothes

The Right Wardrobe With Right Clothes


What you wear will always make a huge difference in the way you look. Clothes are all about enhancing your appearance, right? Looking young doesn’t have to translate to you staying updated with the latest trends in the fashion world. It’s got to do more with you being able to pick up clothes that compliment your body shape and of course, keep you comfortable as well.

5. The Zzz Therapy

The Zzz Therapy


Sleep. You’ll look younger naturally! Giving extra stress a berth in your life is going to do no good to you at all. It will only make fine lines and wrinkles appear a little faster in your life. Sleep is the most natural and cost-effective beauty treatment ever. Make sure you get a good 6-8 hours of sleep every day. Sleep helps refresh your body by giving your body enough time to recover from all the tiredness.

6. The Pearly Whites

The Pearly Whites


They say you’re never fully dressed without a smile, right? Similarly, if there is one factor that influences the youth element in a person, it has to be pearl white teeth. So look after your teeth as well, brush twice a day, use a mouthwash and floss to keep all the germs at bay. Healthy white teeth equals a younger-looking you.

7. The Fit Rule

The Fit Rule


Looking young connects to being healthy and this connects further to maintaining a healthy body. Eating healthy is just a part of being fit. For your body to look young, it needs to go through a good exercise regime every single day. If you’re not a gym person then indulge in outdoor activities like hiking, sports, marathon running, slacklining, etc. Do whatever interests you and will help your body stay fit and healthy, thereby making you look younger than your age.

These are just some of the things that can go a long way in making you look young and feel young. Try them and let the magic unfold. Do you have any tips to add here? Leave them in the comment section below.

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