7 Subtle Signs Of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship Every Couple Should Be Aware Of

One of the worst possible outcomes of a relationship is abuse. For one, it can be physical abuse. But, for many parts, it is usually emotional and mental abuse. In an abusive environment, the victim is probably trying to get used to what is happening, hoping it is a phase that will stop in time. However, over time, the victim starts to go through trauma, and if left long enough, the victim is probably going to believe that the abuse is a norm for life and get used to it.

But, one of the worst parts about abuse is that the victim does not know that they are victims. This could be you. And, you may just try being nice to your partner. In reality, it is taking a toll on you.

So, if you think you are going through abuse, watch out for these signs.

#1 You Live In Constant Fear

You Live In Constant Fear


If you find yourself constantly living in the fear factor or what you can or cannot tell your partner, it may be a sign that things are not going on great. In a relationship, it is important that you both communicate right. If you are struggling to express yourself for the fear of a backlash, this is your sign to seek help.

#2 Self-Isolation



As a result of abuse, one of the most common outcomes is that you may find yourself isolating yourself from friends and family. This is possibly because you are not in a position to have a confrontation and life is better without enforcing the need to communicate constantly. Also, you may find yourself alienated because that is what your partner wanted.

#3 Lack of Self-Confidence

Lack of Self-Confidence


Visualize this. A big colorful tree that is playing host to a life-sucking parasite. That is what you and your partner seem like possibly. Your partner is probably never missing a chance to criticize you, and that is done predominantly to make himself feel better. As an outcome of constant finger-pointing, the victim is bound to lose confidence over time.

#4 Taking You On A Guilt Trip

Taking You On A Guilt Trip


This is very common and probably we all have that one person in our lives that is capable of making anyone feel guilty of anything. This is in two ways. One, the victim can be made to feel selfish for doing something good for themselves, eventually triggering guilt. Else, the partner can provoke the victim to say something that will create guilt in time.

#5 Constantly Clingy

Constantly Clingy


This is probably one of the most commonly ignored red flags. Your partner is going to tag along everywhere and not really bother about giving you any personal space. In addition, you may often be faced with an unusually high demand for time and attention. In due course of time, you are going to feel drained and that, my friend, is the sign of abuse.

#6 Self-Proclaimed Passionate Folks

Self-Proclaimed Passionate Folks


This is probably going to be the most common excuse you are going to hear. People who are emotionally abusive are going to masquerade under the facade of being a passionate person. However, if their passion is going to lead to gasping for air, you need to get out.

#7 Life Suckers

Life Suckers


If you start to feel like your partner is turning into some kind of a vampire, and every time they come around, you start to feel the color leave your eyes, then you are probably stuck in a bad place. Relationships spread joy and comfort, and if you are feeling otherwise, that is your brain screaming for help.

Apart from this, you are going to notice a lot of behavioral changes in yourself. Your friends may come by and tell you that you have changed a lot. You may start to crave a lot more alone time. Further, you will constantly find excuses to keep away from your partner, like working late, getting stuck in traffic or even as often as make extra grocery trips. If these are happening, chances are you are knee-deep into emotional abuse, and it is time to get out now.

7 Subtle Signs Of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship Every Couple


If you are having trouble getting to know yourself or how to get out of the situation, you should probably talk to a therapist and look for solutions. Despite what the society may say about a breakup or a divorce, know that if it is turning toxic on you, it is okay to let it go. Holding on to it longer is only going to make things worse for you. Of course, before you can make a hasty decision, talk to your partner and see if things can be made to work again. But, if things do not look good it is okay to let go of the relationship and start over fresh.

There is no better company in the world than your own. It is okay to be selfish and give up on what is making you lose yourself. Remember, nothing in the world is worth losing your mental peace for.

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