How To Tell If A Guy Is Flirting Or Just Being Friendly- 9 Simple Ways

In an era of one night stands, finding someone who genuinely likes you is more like rocket science. More often we see girls falling in love with men who are just takers and not even ten percent of them are givers. But, does this mean that all guys out there are bad? Well, there are guys who genuinely like you and you might like them back as well. Sadly, their love and affection never really gets to you maybe because they are shy or they aren’t expressive. He might be confining his feelings to himself for many other complications like this or your personal issues. Also, many guys fear of losing their friendship when they think about confessing their secret crush to someone who they have known for a while. Yes, we know that it’s a lot of complications!

While guys pull back from expressing their feelings to you, you might be losing someone special or the possibility to have something amazing because of this. And since nobody here is a mind reader, we thought you could use some help. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have the magical power of sensing crushes? Well, you actually don’t need magic for that. Somebody who likes you will always give you subtle signs and hints knowingly or unknowingly. In this article, we will help you differentiate between guys who are flirting with you and who are just being friendly. Read on to know more.

1. His Hugs

1. His Hugs


Your buddy would give you a warm but casual side hug that will totally mess up your hair. You both are at ease when this happens. But, when someone who has a crush on you hugs you, you’ll find that he’s very conscious when he’s getting closer to you. These hugs are mostly straight hugs and they last longer than the buddy hug. And if you catch him take a whiff of your hair? Boy, is he in trouble!

2. He Teases You A Lot

2. He Teases You A Lot


The guy who likes you and wants to flirt with you will keep teasing you even for the silliest things. This is because he wants to have your attention constantly and wants to talk to you about so many things. However, he doesn’t have the courage or hasn’t made up his mind in telling you that he likes to talk to you. So, these teasing episodes become conversation igniters. If he really likes you, he will keep in mind to tease you in a cute, non-offensive way.

3. He Acts As If He Knows You

3. He Acts As If He Knows You


Surprisingly, he knows about your favorite ice cream flavor or your favorite movie. He boasts about his knowledge of you to indirectly tell you that, “See, I know you so well!” Also, he observes your movements very carefully and tells you about the way you talk, eat, or smile.

4. The Way He Looks At You

4. The Way He Looks At You


Which friend looks at you continuously for more than ten seconds with a smile or glittery eyes? Well, nobody does that until they are so in love with you! So, sense the flirty, sensual vibe when you catch him looking at you.

5. He Tries To Impress You

5. He Tries To Impress You


Someone who wants to flirt with you indirectly will always try to impress you in different ways. It might not be the obvious things like getting you a bouquet of red roses. But you’ll find him doing too many nice things and way too often.

6. Make Out Jokes

6. Make Out Jokes


When your male friend makes a make out joke, it’s mostly gross or too damn funny. But when someone who has a crush on you makes a make out joke, you’ll feel the sensuousness in his tone and in the joke as well.

7. The Way He Compliments

7. The Way He Compliments


Your friend will hardly ever notice even if you’ve put a lot of effort into dressing up good. Also, a friend’s compliment will be simple and short. But when someone has a crush on you, they’ll compliment you for every small thing. They will explain to you why you look good and mention details like your dress, or your eyes, or your lips.

8. He Asks You Out Indirectly

8. He Asks You Out Indirectly


He’ll blush when he asks you out for you know, “just hang out.” He’ll even tell that he’ll pick you up and drop you back as well. And most of the time when he calls you out for a movie or for a meet up, it will be just him. He isn’t keen on going out with your bunch of common friends.

9. He’s Jealous Of The Other Guys

9. He’s Jealous Of The Other Guys


He keeps making fun of the guys who like you or who you like. This is the way of him telling you that he doesn’t like it, but he’s helpless. In a way, sarcasm is what he seeks solace in.

If you feel that anyone is showing you these signs, take a call on it. Do you want to give them a chance or are they just making you uncomfortable? Talk to them and find out if your predictions were true. Let them know about your feelings so that if it’s a no, they won’t get hurt. How do you find out if a guy is flirting with you? Let us know in the comments below.

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