This Is How Each Zodiac Sign Cheats In Relationships

Love has always been a key factor in bringing people together. However, over time, relationships lose their spice and there are several factors that lead to this. It may be compatibility issues, lack of trust, or difference in opinions. However, the weirdest reason for a fault-line in relationships is the zodiac signs of the people involved. Interestingly, some zodiac signs are said to cheat more often than the rest.

Well, here goes nothing. We have brought together a list of how different zodiac signs can cheat (because why not?). But before getting into it, here’s a disclaimer— take this article with a pinch of salt and please don’t judge anyone based on what you’re going to read. So, let’s start, shall we?




Well, these people are extremely competitive and are bound to lose interest very fast. If you are with an Aries partner, you are going to hear someday that they are not interested in love and it was merely infatuation. They will let go easily and move on.




People born under this zodiac sign tend to have high expectations from their partners and that forms the bedrock of their relationship. In the beginning, they will be extremely loyal. However, when their expectations are not met, it is farewell time. They are going to be the first ones to point out that things are not working well. They even jot down the points of differences that will lead to the downfall. So, if you are going to date someone like this, make sure you meet their expectations and also keep them on their toes constantly.




They are very unlikely to be loyal, and their two-faced nature makes that possible for them. Gemini people find it difficult to be in serious relationships and are going to disappear without a hint. So, make sure that your partner is serious about you before you dream about that wedding dress.




Cancerians come in a bit of variety. Although cheating is not their basic nature, they are not always in the best of their senses. They make it seem like you are taking a break, and then go on to try someone else out. And around now, they are bound to be out of you on the break (think, Ross Geller). Being “friends again” is their keyword.




If you are with a Leo, thank your lucky stars. These are the kind of people who will put in their heart and soul into a relationship and do whatever it takes to make it work. Once into a committed relationship, they will go to any extent to make their partner happy. However, there are several two-faced Leos as well, and they make things dirty to the bone. Be aware of them.




Guess what? They are awesome at keeping secrets. And that makes it hard to figure if they are leading a secret life behind your back. Moreover, they are pretty damn good at it. They can give you excuses and be with someone right under your nose and you will never figure out.




Meet the smooth talkers. They love to play cool and get things their way. So, for all you know, they could be showering you with loving words, affection, and a lot of gifts but on the side, they might be jumping on to the opposite shore often as well. So, as much as they are cool, cheating is very easy for them.




The most loyal of the lot. Scorpions are the least likely to cheat in a relationship. However, it is vital to keep them happy round the clock and they will love you. Obviously, you love them too. But, if the scale is tipping, they will find a way out. The bright side? They will be honest about it. No cheating.




Sagittarius people don’t like serious relationships that much. They like to keep it casual until they find their soulmate. So, if you’re dating a Sagittarius, make sure that you are their soulmate unless you are okay with a casual relationship.




This is the lot that is going to cheat and then make you feel guilty for it. They are merciless if that is what it takes. Selfish to the very core. Also, they send mixed signals that can be extremely confusing.




Judgemental by nature, Aquarians cannot deal with emotions all the time. They may deal with things in the beginning, but they are not going to keep at it. So, when the going gets tough, they will get going.




Smart by nature, they play safe. With the ability to manipulate, they can turn the tables with stupid, yet plausible excuses. Along those lines, it is better to hire a private detective on this one.

Smart by nature, they play safe


Now, you know how each zodiac cheats. But before you make up any theories in your mind about your partner, just look at them, understand them, talk to them and make sure you both are on the same page. Looking at zodiacs to spot cheaters may seem fun, but that will sabotage your relationship. If things are not really looking up, sit down and talk to them, or call it off. We’re sure this will help.


The post This Is How Each Zodiac Sign Cheats In Relationships appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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