Studies Prove That Couples Who Raise A Dog Together Are ‘Happier And Stronger’

There is a reason why dogs are considered man’s best friend. They are loyal, loving, happy-go-lucky, and a general joy to be around. If you have grown up around dogs, you probably understand how big a responsibility adopting one is. Although dogs do provide the added benefit of protecting you and chasing away vermin, did you know they also have something to do with your levels of happiness? While most dogs can be trained for different purposes, most of them make perfect company for a young couple or even an older couple with kids. Of course, there are a lot of factors that need to be taken into consideration before one decides to make such a long-term commitment. Do dogs make the perfect third wheel in a relationship? Well, Science seems to agree. Read on to find out how Science proves this:

Studies To Back Claims

Studies To Back Claims


In a study conducted by BarkBox, 71 percent of people believe their dogs have made them happier people. Ninety three percent believed they had become better people after they had adopted their dogs. And what’s more? Besides the good mood, 80 percent of those interviewed claimed that they find it easier to wake up in the morning because their dogs would greet them (1).

So, we’ve established that most dog owners believe that dogs make them a lot happier than not having them. So how exactly can we prove that dogs have a direct effect on the happy chemicals in our brains? In the study, 85 percent of people believed that their dogs helped them get through a rough time in their life. The researchers in the study observed that pet owners were more likely to be physically fit, displayed higher self-esteem, were more socially outgoing and had healthier relationship styles than non-pet owners. These qualities have a significant effect on one’s personal and professional life. Thus, leading to a boost in one’s feeling of being fully satisfied or happy. Dogs inspire us to get healthier and be more active. The rush of endorphins achieved through raised activity levels boost our feelings of happiness and increases our mental wellbeing. Not having a pet would mean getting less exposure to the sun, and this would lead to there being a lack of Vitamin D and a higher likelihood of developing depression. Seventy-two percent of participants in the study claimed their dogs influenced their activity levels.

Oxytocin is often released when people interact with dogs.


The study has even proven that the love hormone,Oxytocin is often called the ‘cuddle hormone’, and it releases feelings of trust, relaxation, and empathy while reducing stress and anxiety. And so that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you put your arms around a dog is because of this.

Another study, published by the American Association for The Advancement of Science (AAAS) calculated the release of Oxytocin in dogs and their owners after staring into each other’s eyes and noted remarkable observations. Dogs (both genders) experienced a 130 percent rise in Oxytocin levels, and their owners experienced a meteoric 300 percent increase in their levels.

Not all parts of the studies were super positive, sadly. Nearly 49 percent of dog parents said their dogs would share the bed with them quite frequently and more than a third (36 percent) claimed that they would sleep in uncomfortable positions to keep their pets next to them in bed. A surprising one third (33 percent) even admitted that they had gotten intimate with a partner while the dog was in the same room. And 43 percent of dog parents had admitted that they allow their dogs to follow them into the bathroom while they’re using it (2).

Final Takeaways

Final Takeaways


It’s crazy how much of an impact animals can have on our lives. A lot of people believe that adopting a pet can have a hugely positive impact on your life; especially if you’re struggling with mental health issues. Adopting a pet teaches you the sense of responsibility. You have to care for someone besides yourself who is almost wholly dependent on you. This can also prepare young couples for their future lives. It can prepare them to handle the responsibility of caring for a small creature that is dependent on them for love, attention, food, exercise and so many more. Animals can make one feel like they’re at home and they give you the best hugs on earth!

Do you consider yourself to be an animal lover? What would you do if you were trapped on a deserted island and could only share it with an animal? Which animal would you choose? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments below.

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