Call Me, Babe: Your Weekly Horoscope Is All About Communication

In the words of Kylie Jenner, “Riiiiise and shine,” because your weekly horoscope for May 18-24 is here. Hoorah for Gemini season! On Thursday, the sun moves into Gemini—the exact same day Venus (planet of love) angles toward Neptune (planet of illusions). This communicative energy can make it easier to connect and interact online or off. Even so, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts.

Friday’s new moon in Gemini can be an opportunity to initiate a new project or close a deal. Even so, with three key planets now retrograde (Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter), there’s potential for unexpected changes to plans, so it would be wise to take things one step at a time.

Also on Friday, Mercury (planet of communication) links with Venus, the sun trines Saturn, and lively Mercury squares Neptune on Friday. All in all, there could be issues with getting a message across unless the facts are made abundantly clear.

On Sunday, Mars (planet of aggression) forges a positive angle with Uranus (planet of change), which can encourage a need to break free from too many restrictions and do something a little more exciting than usual.


STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope May 2020


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As you can see, this week is all about communicating clearly and efficiently. Are you making your best efforts? Consider what you say and how you say it, and don’t be shy about getting your point across. If you’re having trouble getting your thoughts out via phone call, Zoom sesh or text message, consider writing a letter and pouring your thoughts out on paper. You might find skipping the back-and-forth allows you to say what you’re really feeling.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

STYLECASTER | Aries zodiac sign


There are some interesting strands playing out this week as the sun moves into Gemini on Wednesday to light up your social sector. With Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus all retrograde, there are aspects of life that could slow down, but this might encourage reflection and a chance to get your priorities in order.

However, with the new moon in your communication zone on Friday linking to sobering Saturn in your social sector, a formal meeting or event could lead to positive developments. This is something that could have mileage even though the initial excitement might be missing.

Still, with Venus retrograde aligning with Mercury and angling toward Neptune, there is potential for confusion and misunderstandings. It’s best not to take anything at face value. Examine the facts first.

Are you ready for some excitement? The weekend could encourage you to bring a dream to life, especially if doing so can help offset any restlessness.

STYLECASTER | taurus zodiac sign


The sun moves through the last degrees of your sign and eases into Gemini and your money zone on Wednesday for a stay of around four weeks. This is a chance to take stock of your finances and shine a light on any areas that need special attention.

With luscious Venus retrograde in this zone for some weeks yet, it could pay to take extra care with any purchases, especially those big-ticket items. Something that seemed like a fabulous deal at the outset may turn out to be a disappointment, so be careful.

Still, with a new moon in the same zone on Friday, there is the opportunity for a fresh start. Despite any confusion, this powerful lunar phase encourages you to create positive financial habits that can help you remain in control.

Finally, expect the unexpected over the weekend. An invitation could turn out to be more exciting than you imagined.

STYLECASTER | gemini zodiac sign


This week could feel like something of a rebirth as the illuminating sun enters your sign for around a month. You may have more vitality and confidence now, which can be used to initiate new plans and projects.

With sultry Venus retrograde in your sign, though, it’s best to avoid closing deals or committing to a partnership or business relationship until this phase is over. The coming weeks could see you reviewing a key bond and considering its future. Don’t be too quick off the mark, though.

The new moon in your sign can be a call to push forward with options that can help you succeed. It’s worth developing new and productive habits that encourage you stay on track to reach those important goals.

This is also a good time to resolve any issues that are preventing you from moving forward. In fact, there might be times this week when you’re not sure what you want. Don’t worry. The coming weeks will reveal all.

STYLECASTER | cancer zodiac sign


The focus on your spiritual sector increases as the sun moves into Gemini on Wednesday. With Mercury already here and sweet Venus retrograde in this zone, buried issues could come to the surface to be resolved. There is also a chance that someone from your past could come back into your life, which might result in a healing.

You may find that issues from the past bubble up, inspiring you to resolve them. But with a new moon in this zone on Friday, you’ll also feel a surge of emotion pushing you to make a fresh start. Something within you is all set for change, and the coming days could see you taking a positive step in this direction. If you need the help of a life coach or teacher, this is one of the best times to get it.

If you’re ready for a trip, it could be very rewarding, whether it’s a physical journey or a chance to explore the inner landscape of your soul.

STYLECASTER | leo zodiac sign


As sobering Saturn moves deeper into your sector of relating, you may become more objective about the relationships in your life. Couple this with sweet Venus in reverse in your social zone, and this could be a time of uncertainty regarding certain associations.

If you’ve been putting up with someone and not really enjoying their company very much, you might decide it’s time to turn over a new leaf. And while this might seem a bit ruthless, you’ll soon realize it’s best for both of you.

The new moon in your social sector midweek aligns with prudent Saturn, so this may be the time to rework your list of contacts. You might want to jettison those who tend to take rather than give and stick with the ones who have been generous and loyal.

Finally, a new connection you make over the weekend could bring interesting news or advice that helps you with a goal or ambition.

STYLECASTER | virgo zodiac sign


The sun in Taurus may have encouraged you to explore new opportunities over recent weeks, but as it moves into Gemini midweek, this is your time to be in the spotlight. It’s a great opportunity to market your work, make valuable connections, and highlight your skills and talents.

Even so, be careful around negotiations, business deals, and other major commitments. With tactful Venus rewinding for some weeks and aligning with Mercury and Neptune on Friday, things may not be quite as they seem. You need to look carefully at the paperwork concerning any new deals or projects and certainly read between the lines.

The new moon on Friday in the topmost sector of your chart aligns with Saturn and could bring an offer that seems very solid. This might be something to go for, and it could continue long into the future.

Finally, an impromptu trip over the weekend could lead to an exciting discovery.

STYLECASTER | libra zodiac sign


If the past few weeks have been intense, things could become a little easier from midweek onward as the sun moves into Gemini and a lighter and more upbeat zone. This is your sector of travel and opportunity, so you might be ready to take on ideas that can lead to exciting developments.

Sweet Venus, your personal planet, is rewinding for some weeks more, so you could be having second thoughts about a bold plan or idea that captured your attention recently. Or perhaps an experience you were looking forward to now leaves you feeling complacent and perhaps less inclined to follow through. This is the time to question your desires and consider your true priorities.

The new moon in the same sector on Friday forges a positive tie with taskmaster Saturn in your leisure zone. Taking up a course of study or learning a new skill might be hard work, but it could pay off handsomely in the future.

STYLECASTER | scorpio zodiac sign


Mercury is in a more intense zone, and Venus is in reverse, so you may be asking yourself some searching questions.

The sun moves into this sector on Wednesday to illuminate hidden areas of your psyche, and it could shine a light on those issues you may have pushed beneath the surface. It’s time for any skeletons to emerge from the closet. Seeing them in broad daylight could relieve any fears associated with them.

The new moon on Friday and its alignment with sobering Saturn may be an excellent opportunity to connect with a counselor, therapist, or life coach. Doing so could kick-start a phase of tying up loose ends, releasing the past, and embracing bold opportunities. Make a commitment and you could begin to access your true potential.

Even so, with dreamy Neptune in the mix and linking to sweet Venus and chatty Mercury, there is a strong possibility of mixed messages and misunderstandings at some level, so go easy. Finally, the weekend could bring an electric encounter, so be ready.

STYLECASTER | sagittarius zodiac sign


Relationships move to the top of your list of priorities with the sun easing into Gemini midweek. Even so, with luscious Venus regressing in this zone for some weeks more, you may be experiencing second thoughts about a key connection.

In the days ahead, an inquisitive Venus-Mercury tie could see you initiating discussions with this person with a view toward understanding their motives. It’s probably best not to commit to a deeper partnership or relationship, because your feelings could easily change over the coming weeks.

Friday’s new moon can be the perfect time to hold an important discussion or take steps to get to know someone better. And its tie to cautious Saturn suggests taking everything very slowly. Avoid rushing into any relationship now, because you could come to regret it later.

Finally, the weekend could find you exploring ideas that lead to healthier habits on the home front. If you feel like experimenting, this is the time to do so.

STYLECASTER | capricorn zodiac sign


The coming week encourages you to get organized concerning paperwork, computer files, and general administrative tasks. If things have gotten out of hand, it could be preventing you from making positive strides forward. Indeed, the sun’s presence in your lifestyle sector as of Wednesday encourages you to clear out clutter so you can have more space to think.

At the same time, with Venus retrograde in this zone, this is a good time to rethink any agreements, especially those that have become a bit of a bind. The promises you made a while back may no longer suit you. The coming weeks can be an opportunity to discuss them and come to new arrangements.

Friday’s new moon could be a call to start as you mean to continue by taking decisive action. If your office space is a mess, see this as a call to reform your ways and ultimately become more productive.

STYLECASTER | aquarius zodiac sign


The sun moves into your leisure sector on Wednesday, which could leave you feeling lighter and brighter. The coming four weeks or so can be a good opportunity to indulge in activities that you truly enjoy. Doing so might recharge you in more ways than one.

With Mercury in this sector, this is also a good time to learn a new skill or hone a talent. However, as delectable Venus is retrograde in this zone, it’s also an opportunity to refine your creativity. Are you creating original ideas or going with what you think others might like? Over the coming weeks, you may veer more toward channeling your original and authentic voice. Tapping into your inner muse can be refreshing and revitalizing.

On the romantic front, it would help to consider the cost of a developing romance, especially if someone seems to take more than they give. Are you looking for a gadget for the home? You might get the right thing at the right price by following your intuition this weekend.

STYLECASTER | pisces zodiac sign


If recent weeks have been busy, you may welcome the sun’s move into your domestic sector. The coming four weeks can provide an opportunity to take more time for yourself by stepping back from life when you can.

Luscious Venus and chatty Mercury are in the same sector, so this can be a great time for entertaining. And yet as sweet Venus is currently retrograde, you might feel excited at the thought of a reunion, whether it’s a large gathering or an intimate get-together. Either way, it can be very successful.

The new moon on Friday looks like an important one, especially because it aligns with sobering Saturn in a spiritual sector of your chart. It hints at an opportunity for inner growth by letting go of aspects of the past that no longer serve you. If you need the help of a professional counselor or therapist, do consider getting it.

Are you ready for some excitement? An unexpected invitation this weekend could coincide with some exciting encounters.

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