The Prettiest Anti-aging Product for Your Lips

Self-care is more important than ever right now, and we’ve uncovered numerous ways to incorporate it into our daily routines. Whether that means redecorating our spaces, (safely) delving into some intense facial techniques, or drinking copious amounts of water and herbal tea, we’re constantly on the lookout for products and practices that can help us feel a little more normal and stress-free. In terms of our beauty regimens, we’ve focused mainly on keeping our skin hydrated and supple despite the added time indoors. One of the areas we’ve seen the most dryness lately is on our lips. The skin there is much more delicate than you might imagine, especially when compared to the rest of your body.

For starters, the stratum corneum, or the outermost layer of the skin, is far thinner on the lips than on any other part of the body. This results in more flaking and chapping (which is also much more noticeable). The lack of hair follicles also means your lips tend to get drier. Why would a lack of hair cause dryness? Hair follicles are sebaceous glands, which produce hydrating sebum to moisturize the skin. Since the lips have neither hair follicles nor sebaceous glands, they are not self-moisturizing like the rest of our skin, making them susceptible to cracking and showing signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles.

Now, a dose of your favorite lip balm should be enough to remedy this, correct? Sure. But we’ve been testing lip oils as an alternative to see how they stack up compared to our regular formulas. Similar to oils that you’d apply to your hair or skin, lip oils provide hydration that goes deeper than traditional moisturizing lip products. Since they are generally thinner than balms in terms of consistency, their molecule sizes are a lot smaller, allowing for them to penetrate further into the skin to hydrate. Also, the core oil for most of these products ranges from jojoba to coconut, safflower, and more, all of which are exceptionally moisturizing and are packed with skin-nourishing benefits. This allows your lips to stay hydrated for longer, minimizing the need to reapply multiple times throughout the day, and helps to keep signs of premature aging at bay. Plus, you can find oils in a variety of shades for a one-two punch of skin care and makeup. We love it when that happens.

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