Your Weekly Horoscope Shows How These 3 (!) Retrogrades Will Affect You

Hello, beautiful—your weekly horoscope for May 11-17 is here.The week starts off with a bang as Mercury (planet of communication) in the final degrees of Taurus angles toward Mars (planet of passion) in the final degrees of Aquarius. On Monday, Mercury then moves into Gemini where it’s very much at home. This can enhance communication and commerce in a great way.

Lively Mercury forges a positive aspect with Saturn (planet of foundation) on Tuesday, so if there are business matters to discuss, this is the time to discuss them. Dynamic Mars then moves into dreamy Pisces, where it isn’t so direct or decisive. This can lead to complacency or simply, a more passive-aggressive stance.

On the same day, Venus (planet of love) turns retrograde in Gemini for around six weeks, followed by Jupiter (planet of abundance) turning retrograde in Capricorn on Thursday and remaining so until September 12. And thanks to Saturn retrograde from last week, there’s going to be a slowing of affairs.

Finally, the sun links with Pluto (planet of transformation) on Thursday. It then links to jovial Jupiter on Sunday. Both of these aspects will bring exciting developments into the mix.

STYLECASTER | weekly horoscope may 11 2020

Motilal Banarsidass.

Buy: Retrograde Planets by Erin Sullivan $17.35

Fortunately, not all retrogrades are as frustrating as mercury’s, so you won’t be too stressed out by Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Still, if you want to learn more about planets in retrograde, consider reading up so you know in advance how you’ll be affected.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

STYLECASTER | Aries zodiac sign


Aside from a potential but minor spat on Monday, conversations, discussions, and negotiations can all benefit from Mercury’s move into Gemini. Its lively presence here can animate interactions and encourage fast thinking, enabling you to get out of any potentially tricky situations.

This is just as well because sweet Venus turns retrograde on Tuesday and remains so for around six weeks, also in Gemini, hinting at delays and broken promises. Naturally, this could complicate affairs, so it would pay to tread with care this week and over the coming weeks.

As jubilant Jupiter also turns retrograde on Thursday in your sector of career and goals, you might need to redefine your plans and perhaps not rely solely on luck to see you through. The sun continues in Taurus and aspects both potent Pluto and jovial Jupiter, which could inspire new ideas that take a while to materialize. Slow and steady wins the race here.

STYLECASTER | taurus zodiac sign


Articulate Mercury leaves your sign and moves into Gemini and your money zone on Monday. This can assist you in finding the best bargains and deals and making clever decisions around financial matters in general.

Even so, with luxury-loving Venus rewinding from Tuesday, also in your financial sector, there could be delays concerning cash flow and money matters in general. Venus will be retrograde for around six weeks, so it could pay to be extra careful in this regard.

On the same day, dynamic Mars moves into Pisces and your social zone for around six weeks, encouraging you to be proactive. Plus, you may be busier than usual with various projects and events.

Positive Jupiter turns retrograde in your travel sector on Thursday, so a planned trip may be delayed for a variety of reasons. Or you might decide to go on an inner journey and explore the landscape of your soul. Finally, a dynamic solar tie between Jupiter and Pluto over the weekend hints that you’ll be eager for new experiences.

STYLECASTER | gemini zodiac sign


Conversational Mercury, your personal planet, moves into your sign on Monday, which means you’ll truly be in your element. Your natural communicative qualities can shine and bestow you with extra wit and savviness.

But lovely Venus also turns retrograde in your sign on Tuesday and remains so for around six weeks, and this could influence relationships and agreements of all kinds. What seemed set in stone may not be, which could be a cause of frustration.

Feisty Mars moves into Pisces and your sector of goals, which can push you to be clear on what you want. Create a plan so you can bring it to life and persevere. In addition, jovial Jupiter turns retrograde in a more intense zone on Thursday and remains so for some months, which could be a call to look into any emotional blocks that may be preventing you from being as successful as you’d like.

STYLECASTER | cancer zodiac sign


As talkative Mercury glides into your spiritual sector on Monday, it can be an opportunity to quiet the mind through meditation or another practice. It’s also a good time to connect with those who share your goals for developing greater awareness.

However, on Tuesday, convivial Venus in the same zone turns retrograde and remains so for around six weeks. If a past connection is still causing hurt, use the coming weeks to bring about healing. And if you need help with this, get it. On the same day, dynamic Mars moves into Pisces and your sector of far horizons and remains here for around six weeks. This could stir up a desire to travel and enjoy new experiences. It can be a very uplifting time.

In addition, jovial Jupiter turns retrograde in your relationship zone on Thursday and remains so until mid-September. It might turn your attention to someone’s inner worth and strength of character rather than just their good looks.

STYLECASTER | leo zodiac sign


The sun continues its journey through a more prominent sector of your chart, encouraging you to showcase your abilities. However, this week, with this radiant orb linking to powerful Pluto and expansive Jupiter, it’s time to plan for the long term.

If you have big goals to reach and ambitions to fulfill, you’ll need to change your mindset. And with upbeat Jupiter turning retrograde this week and Pluto already in reverse, this is the time to do so.

Talkative Mercury moves into your social sector on Monday, which can be a great asset in making new friends and forging valuable connections. And if you’re looking for romance, this flirtatious influence can be helpful for attracting some wonderful prospects.

As proactive Mars moves into Pisces and a more intense sector on Tuesday and remains so for around six weeks, you might be ready to dig deep. If there are any skeletons rattling in the closet, this influence encourages you to open the door and take a closer look. Stuck energy can be released by doing so.

STYLECASTER | virgo zodiac sign


As dealmaker Mercury, your guide planet, moves into Gemini and a prominent sector on Monday, its presence here can be very beneficial. For instance, if you need to sell something, you could be very persuasive.

Charming Venus is doing a backward flip on Tuesday, in the same zone, so there could be disappointment around a business transaction. What seemed a done deal may not be, and you might need to renegotiate the terms. Yet, once Venus turns direct in around six weeks, this delay could work to your advantage.

Relationships get a vibrant boost as red-hot Mars moves into Pisces on Tuesday, stirring up feelings and encouraging you to clear the air. Don’t let resentment simmer. It’s better to get things out in the open to bring about healing.

There is more, though, as philosophical Jupiter turns retrograde in your sector of creativity and romance. This can be a chance to develop a winning mindset rather than just hope for the best.

STYLECASTER | libra zodiac sign


Travel adventures may be on your mind as roving Mercury moves into your sector of far horizons on Monday. Its presence here could see you eager to get away and explore new places and opportunities. You may be very curious about many things, and this could lead you to see about taking a class or workshop and perhaps study for a degree or certification.

At the same time, luscious Venus, your personal planet, turns retrograde in your travel zone and remains so for around six weeks. You could grow disillusioned concerning your beliefs about something or someone, and yet this might be a part of the growth process.

There is another shift as powerful Mars moves into your lifestyle sector on Tuesday. If you’ve found it difficult to maintain discipline around exercise and eating, this focused energy can make it easier. By daily visualizing the result you seek, you could reach your goal in no time.

If you’re ready to remodel your home, get the ball rolling now in terms of financing and costs, and opt for the slow and steady approach.

STYLECASTER | scorpio zodiac sign


Talkative Mercury moves into an intense zone on Monday, which could encourage you to connect with your emotions. This is a good time to talk about them, particularly those that you’ve tended to avoid. If you need to discuss certain issues with a counselor, therapist, or other trusted confidant, this is the time to do so. It could be a real relief.

At the same time, sweet Venus turns retrograde in this same sector and remains so for about six weeks, which might find you questioning certain relationships. Are they right for you? This may be a concern, and it could cause a change of heart.

As potent Mars enters your leisure zone on Tuesday, its presence here could see you being more proactive. It’s time to highlight your skills, as well as enjoy special activities or a romantic break. Exciting opportunities seem to be in the cards, but upbeat Jupiter turning retrograde this week suggests that plans may take a while to come to fruition.

STYLECASTER | sagittarius zodiac sign


The sun in your lifestyle sector makes bold and positive aspects that could prove lucrative if you follow through. This can be an uplifting week if you’re willing to set new ideas in motion and wait patiently for the results.

As Mercury moves into Gemini and your relationship sector on Monday, it could see you getting along well with others. This very convivial energy might inspire you to connect with people from all walks of life, and you’ll find it easy to make new friends.

Lovely Venus turns retrograde in your relationship zone on Tuesday, making you aware of the deeper and more emotional aspects of a relationship as opposed to the outer appearances. Are you happy about the feelings you have? This is the time to reflect on them.

Positive Jupiter also turns retrograde in your money zone, and this could see you redefining your attitude to finances and cash flow. It’s a chance to root out those inner blocks and deal with them once and for all.

STYLECASTER | capricorn zodiac sign


Lively Mercury’s move into Gemini and your lifestyle sector can enhance communication and conversation, which can increase commerce and goodwill. Relationships with co-workers and clients can be positive, fostering good connections.

But as diplomatic Venus turns retrograde in the same zone on Tuesday and remains so for around six weeks, there may be some frustration around broken deals or promises, and certain relationships could seem to go awry for a time. Though this can seem difficult for a while, fate may be at work, and something good could emerge from this.

Expansive Jupiter also goes into reverse in your sign this week and remains so for some months, so you might reconsider your attitude to success and happiness and what you can do to improve on such matters.

Communication issues are highlighted as Mars enters your sector of talk and thought, bringing a greater desire to get to know certain people in more depth.

This is a good time to showcase your creativity and flair, too, because you never know who might be watching. Doing so can certainly be to your advantage.

STYLECASTER | aquarius zodiac sign


The sun continues in your home zone this week and makes powerful aspects to both potent Pluto and jovial Jupiter, making you aware of the potential in certain ideas. With Jupiter going into reverse this week and Pluto already retrograde, you might be fascinated by certain insights that can make a positive difference to you and your happiness.

There is a new liveliness to your creativity and romance zone as chatty Mercury moves into Gemini. This could find you indulging in a new hobby, sport, or any other activity that requires dexterity and flexibility.

At the same time, with lovely Venus rewinding, there is also the possibility that a romance may not work out as hoped, at least for now. During this phase, you may wonder if this is the right person for you. Avoid making any such decisions until Venus turns direct once again. Finally, money matters come into focus as fiery Mars moves into Pisces, encouraging you to be proactive about handling any ongoing issues.

STYLECASTER | pisces zodiac sign


The people you connect with can have a profound influence on you as the sun makes some leading aspects. This can be a time to contemplate ideas and projects and perhaps start on them even though they could take a while to come to fruition.

There is also a burst of energy in your home zone as lively Mercury moves in. Its presence here is excellent for a special family dinner or a friendly get-together, even an online happy hour if need be.

But with sweet Venus turning retrograde here on Tuesday and remaining so for around six weeks, you might want to reconsider what makes you feel most at home with yourself. Anything that falls short could be jettisoned. This is also a good time to do inner-child work and generally explore any stuck emotions.

Courageous Mars moves into your sign on Tuesday, giving you the confidence to ring in fresh changes.Upbeat Jupiter turns retrograde in your social zone, and this can be a call to jettison those friends who are more of a drain than a support.

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