9 Apps for a More Stylish, Beautiful, and Fulfilling Life

9 Apps for a More Stylish, Beautiful, and Fulfilling Life

What’s the first thing you reach for when you’re bored? There’s no shame in being honest; it’s likely your smartphone. And why not? That pocket-sized computer/camera/phone book is loaded down with free and low-cost apps that make your life a little brighter each and every day. And I’m not talking about the socials, as those can bring you down as much as they can pick you up. I’m talking about the apps that stimulate your brain, inspire you to new ideas, keep you calm when you’re stressed, and on task when you’re flustered. I use some of my favorite apps so often that I almost feel guilty — they deliver so much value but cost me so little. Am I assuaging that guilt by sharing my apps of choice here? Probably, but I sincerely hope you see something new in this list that becomes one of your favorites. You’ll find fashion, beauty, and budget picks — of course. But, since I’m a whole person as well as a budget fashionista — and you are too — my list of favorite apps also branches out of that space, too. Enjoy these nine apps for a more stylish and beautiful life. My...

...read more at 9 Apps for a More Stylish, Beautiful, and Fulfilling Life. This is an original post from The Budget Fashionista.

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