Prince Charles Once Made a Staffer Scrub His Clothes After He Snuck Out With Camilla

There was once a time when even Prince Charles’ cleaning staff hid his Camilla affair from Princess Diana. Or, at least they tried to.

Followers of the royal family are well familiar with the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall’s affair, which took place while Charles, now 72, was married to Princess Diana. By far one of the biggest royal relationship scandals, their affair is even getting screentime on Netflix’s The Crown season 4 (and it’s safe to say that some members of the royal family aren’t pleased about that). But the juicy details of their affair are harder to come by, like this rare quote from one of Prince Charles’s former staffers.

In 1995, the prince’s valet, Ken Stronach, revealed shocking details about Charles’ affair in an infamous interview with News of the World. His confidentiality breach even got him suspended from his job. At the time, Stronach claimed that he was responsible for scrubbing grass stains from Charles’ pajamas after the prince would sneak out for meetings with Camilla in the middle of the night.

“Prince Charles made love to Camilla Parker Bowles in the bushes of his Highgrove mansion while Princess Diana slept inside,” he told the paper. “It was a big risk and a stupid thing to do, but he’s blind to everything where the lady is concerned.”

After Charles’ midnight romps, Stronach claimed, “There was mud and muck everywhere,” as per Spokesman. “They’d obviously been doing it in the open air.”

Stronach, who managed the prince’s wardrobe and travel schedule, revealed that he even used to ruffle up Charles’ bed to make it look like he had slept there. “It was very elaborate, but it didn’t fool anyone for a minute,” he said. As to why Stronach decided to speak out, the valet claimed that the “strain” of keeping Charles’s secrets had made him “ill.”

“All through my time with (Charles) we’ve all been told not to speak to anyone about anything,” he told the paper at the time. “We’ve all kept his secrets and the strain made me very ill.” While Prince Charles has since acknowledged the affair and gone on to marry Duchess Camilla, it’s clear that The Firm still doesn’t love spilling this royal tea!

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