The word ‘Botox’ is in the same group as Uber, Kleenex, and Google. It’s one of those brand names that have become the shorthand for a specific type of product or service. While there are several competitors in the market now, the OG neuromodulator, Botox, still remains the toxin of choice for those looking to freeze their wrinkles and fine lines. But Daxxify, the newest addition to the space, might actually give Botox a run for its money. “I’m really excited for this product,” says registered nurse and aesthetic injector Michelle Malpica. “I think it’s an amazing step in the right direction for a new and innovative idea on something that’s been around for a while.” NYC-based dermatologist Jennifer Levine, MD agrees: “I think that Daxxify is a very special product.” So why does everyone think Daxxify is the next big thing? Keep reading for the answers.
What is Daxxify?
Daxxify is the new kid on the neurotoxin block, joining Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau. This means that it works by freezing the muscles responsible for producing wrinkles, explains Malpica. “When you frown your eyebrows together, the skin scrunches and it forms the vertical lines between the eyebrows, and the neuromodulators help to either temper or stop that contraction from happening,” says Malpica. “That's how the wrinkles soften and eventually fade away.”
What’s the difference between Daxxify and Botox?
“So most neurotoxins are mixed with human albumin, an ingredient that helps stabilize the active ingredient and delivers it into the muscle,” explains Malpica. What makes Daxxify stand out amongst the rest is that instead of using albumin like everyone else, they use a peptide. “It doesn’t contain any human or animal products,” adds Malpica. (Dysport contains a cow’s milk derivative.)
“I feel like the onset of the action is faster; you might notice [the effects] within hours,” says Dr. Levine. “You’ll notice there’s more of a smoothness to the skin that I don’t really see as much with the other neuromodulators.”
Does Daxxify last longer than Botox?
Daxxify’s secret sauce, a.k.a. the peptides in the formula, is thought to be one of the reasons why Daxxify can last up to six months, which is about two to three months longer than other neurotoxins on the market. “It's not a hundred percent verified that's why it does last longer, but that's their prevailing theory in how it's been formulated, that the peptide increases the binding of the neurotoxin to the neuromuscular juncture, [which is] where the nerve tells the muscle to contract,” says Malpica.
Just an FYI: When they did the initial studies on Daxxify, they only looked at the glabella (the area of the forehead above and between the eyebrows), says Dr. Levine. “Other areas like the crow’s feet may not last as long.”
Who’s a good candidate for Daxxify?
Basically, anyone who’s 18 years old or older and has mild to moderate lines between their eyebrows is a good candidate for Daxxify, says Malpica. But if you’re someone with a preexisting neurodegenerative condition, you should avoid Daxxify (and any other neurotoxins). “Because Daxxify is a neuromodulator, it means it's working on the neurons, the nerves that contract the muscles,” explains Malpica. “So if you have some of these conditions that are degenerative, that could potentially make your symptoms much more dramatic and exaggerated. It could affect how you swallow or your ability to blink your eyes.”
What should someone know before getting Daxxify?
“While it’s amazing and innovative that the product lasts up to six months, that also can carry with it the potential for any adverse side effects to be longer lasting as well,” says Malpica. So, instead of getting injected by that random person your cousin recommended who runs a medspa out of their living room, make sure to do your research and choose a well-trained and highly-skilled provider. “These providers need to be very well-versed to make sure that they're targeting very precisely and specifically the muscles that we're intending to target because this product is so long-lasting and much more concentrated,” adds Malpica.
What are the potential side effects of Daxxify?
Daxxify’s side effects are similar to the side effects you see with other neurotoxins. The most commonly reported side effects are headaches and eyelid ptosis, which means a drooping of the eyelid, says Malpica. “That is obviously extremely undesirable and an unfortunate side effect that can occur if the product is perhaps injected improperly or if proper post-care instructions aren't followed,” she explains. “But typically, if it does occur, most of those symptoms or side effects usually fade away fairly quickly.”
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